A downloadable Tabletop RPG

The Rattling Wind” is a preview chapter from the upcoming RuneQuest adventure anthology The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories, a collection of new, ready- to-use adventures or locations written with the specific purpose of introducing Glorantha and RuneQuest to new players and gamemasters.

Herein, the small town of Farfield is menaced by an enigmatic menace, "The Rattling Wind," for which the adventure is named, a strange and terrible threat from a past age, an animated war chariot bent on carnage.

This adventure can be used a one-shot or as an interlude for an ongoing campaign. The RuneQuest core rules (available from Chaosium) are required for use of this adventure, though the rules presented in the RuneQuest Quickstart & Adventurecontain almost all that is required. 

Vale Greg Stafford

The Rattling Wind was first released in October 2019 to commemorate the first anniversary of the passing of Chaosium founder Greg Stafford

22 page PDF
Author: Helena Nash
Cover Art: Sarah Miller
Interior Art: 
Dimitrina Angelska, Antonia Doncheva, Andrey Fetisov, Sarah Miller
Editorial: Jason Durall, Jeff Richard 

RuneQuest © copyright 1978–2020 Moon Design Publications LLC. All rights reserved. RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is published by Chaosium Inc. Chaosium Inc. and the Chaosium logo are registered trademarks of Chaosium Inc. RuneQuest and Glorantha are registered trademarks of Moon Design Publications LLC.

Update: now also available in Japanese!


この冊子はケイオシアム社の創設者にしてグローランサ世界の 創造者であるグレッグ・スタッフォードの一周忌に、彼を讃える ためにケイオシアムが無料配布したルーンクエスト用の冒険シナ リオ『The Rattling Wind』を、許可を得て有志により翻訳したも のです。

この冒険はケイオシアム社から有料で販売されているルーンク エス・シナリオ集『The Pegasus Plateau & Other Sories』に収録さ れているシナリオの一つで、ケイオシアム社が著作権を保持して います。この冊子の無断での販売、配布、ネットでの共有等はご 遠慮ください。

Note: this is a translation by Japanese RuneQuest fans, with the permission of Chaosium and Arclight.

翻訳: 葦ノ葉、小川涼、花高信哉 編集・校正・レイアウト: 花高信哉

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tagsglorantha, greg-stafford, runequest, Tabletop, Tabletop role-playing game


Rattling Wind - RuneQuest.pdf 7.3 MB
Rattling_Wind_JP_pf_200617.pdf 5.4 MB

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